Saturday, 11 November 2017

Words of power

Lets start with the basic concept of words. So, what are words? Google says that it’s a single distinct meaningful element of speech or writing, used with others (or sometimes alone) to form a sentence and typically shown with a space on either side when written or printed. Boring isn’t? This meaning might look too contextual, in its original form. Let me explain it more simply, it’s actually the building block of your communication, its actually how you express your feelings while interacting with someone. The effect of your words is so powerful that either it can make you or break you. If used at the right place and at the right time, it can make you successful, but when used carelessly, it not only hurts other sentiments but also can create a black hole which can suck life out of you. It is said that when you hear a word in your day to day life, your mind actually makes a picture of that thing, and then you recognize what that word stands for. Take for an instance, if I say the word ‘Apple’, your mind within a fraction of second creates a picture of an apple which is red in color, and not only that its links experiences with that picture, like how’s apple taste? It’s sweet right, it’s hard from outside etc. So, you see how mind actually search the word, in your brain, and tries to squeeze out every possible context related to it, and that too within no time. Yeah, it’s true your brain is faster than your computer you are currently using. So, feel proud out of it.
Now lets go little deeper in the meaning, if I say that , Hey Sam,you are worthless, how will he feel? Bad or maybe worse, now instead of using the word worthless, if I used priceless and say, Hey Sam, you are priceless, now how will he feel now? Good isn’t? .So if Sam  returned home , after having a very bad day, and his spouse used the first statement instead of the second, don’t you think it will be more depressing for him?. Technically speaking the words ‘worth’ and ‘price’ are identical, so how come ‘worthless’ and ‘priceless’ be different? It’s because how we take those words into action, it’s all in our mind. It’s on us how we use these words, how we want to make the person feel, who is standing right in front of us. These words can be as harsh or it can be sweet as honey. These words can make your relation better with others, or it can lead to misunderstanding and complexities. More importantly, it can make you a better person, or it can make a hell out of you. Anybody that’s ever studied history has at some point or another learned about the dropping of the atomic bomb ”Little Boy” and “Fat Man” by the United States on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.  This was the first and only time in history that nuclear weapons had ever been used in war. The importance of this event cannot be overstated, especially since it might have been avoided if not for a simple misunderstanding.  This misunderstanding came from, you guessed it, a poor translation.  When asked if Japan would surrender during World War II, the Japanese ruler used the word “mokusatsu” in response.  Now what the Japanese word meant was “we withhold comment – pending discussion”, but when the response was sent to Washington the word was mistranslated to mean “We are treating your message with contempt”.  This was picked up by the media and spread like a wildfire around the world. Undoubtedly frustrated by what he thought the response meant, and knowing he needed to respond sternly, President Truman decided that the atomic bombs were a perfect weapon to use.  Why this message wasn’t more heavily scrutinized for any possible mistranslation seems very strange, but regardless, this simple mistake led to 1,50,000-2,50,000 people being  either got killed or injured and many got exposed  to radiation. So, not only choosing the right words is important, but also how you say it also important. If you say something with energy, with passion, people are more likely to believe what you are saying and you are actually passing a positive energy waves towards them and you are filling them with. But instead, if you are saying some statement lethargically, and with a low tone, as if you seem that you yourself are not interested or believe in what you are saying, then how can the people you are addressing, will find an interest in them, and not only that you are also withdrawing energy out of them. So, one should practice of using words that not only fits for humanity but also brings morale to one’s own character. Once you got the habit of choosing the right word, that strongly defines your feeling, you not only connect with the listener mentally but also emotionally. You can see the application of these points, when you see a motivational public speaker up on stage, see how he uses his expression and feelings mixed with powerful words to bring about change in the fellow audience. The audience sitting in front of him not only enjoys the time while he/she is speaking, but more often connects to his state of mind from the very first statement he declares. Just listen to one or two great speeches of leaders, and you will come to know about the difference. The power of words is so great, that the moment you learn to use it correctly, these words can heal even a patient that is suffering from a deadly disease. Use as much as positive words in your life, even when you are angry, don’t use words that are harsh, use the words more wisely. You might have heard about the famous movie ‘The Dead Poet Society’, in which Robin Williams played the character of a teacher named John Keats, and inspires his students by saying,” No matter what people tell you, words and idea can change the world”. Yeah, I do believe in what is said. Every dream can become a thought, every thought can become an idea, every idea can come into action, if you have the courage to do so. Ideas are transferred through words. And if you have the courage to stand what you say, I think half battle is already won. Once you get the habit of saying,” I do believe in what I say” in your mind after every important thing you convey, you get filled with confidence enough to accomplish that thing.

As it’s rightly said, ‘Action speaks louder than the words’. Don’t just go around blabbering, no one will believe in you and take you seriously. Believe in what you say, take action to bring those thoughts into reality, have faith in yourself. Who will be against you if God is with you? When we speak we should speak with mindfulness, in a way to solidify peace and compassion in our characters. We must be ‘lovingly honest’; we must discipline ourselves to speak in a manner that coveys gentleness, respect and humility. People will come and go, but what remains till the very end is their words. So start from today itself of speaking only positive words, and see how it will affect you in the future.So, can you do this?

Sunday, 24 September 2017


So everyone has a past, some have good old memories to cherish ,some have faded dark memories , filled with regret and sorrow.This past is like a shadow ,it follows you everywhere you go.Sometime you might want to have a time machine to go back in past , and change some of the things that you never wished to do but unfortunately you did.And what is that makes you different from others is that no two person can have the same past.The story line may appear similar but by looking closely, we can easily interpret that it is whole lot different.You cannot just shift+delete it , without storing it in your recycle bin which is so called your mind.Mind is a powerful thing thing, every action has a different consequence and with it come a memory, memory which can be linked to different situation, and our mind plays these memories in an instinct when we are struck in somewhat same scenario in any part of life.These memories can either devour you or can fill you with enthusiasm, energy, and passion.It only depends on how you think about it .If you think that memory was linked with failure and embarrassment , so every time when you will think about it , it will make you lethargic to do any work.You might think that what others will say,but the truth is , that no one except you have the time to think about yourself.They may talk about you but not all the time right.You will lose confidence which will ultimately leads you to failure. And this confidence will not grow in a single shot , it will increase exponentially with the success you will face in future.So this process can be metaphorically be treated as a snake and ladder game, in which your mind is your  token, and fear is your opponent ,and ladders are the good memories which will help you to reach the 100th square quickly which is the ultimate success, but unfortunately there are some snakes in your way,which will always let you down in life.These snakes can be very venomous., venomous in the sense that it will always make you think about failure you experienced in past, it will squeeze out all that you have within and  will make you bend on knee, but remember your ultimate goal is the 100th square ,the purpose of your life, and you have to reach the final square before your opponent reaches there because if it reaches before you, it will start playing mind games with you , you will always think that you will always get fail every time gonna try.Many of them quit this game because of failing many times before finishing the game or due to the fear of failure.But always remember that you are  born  a champion, tell this to your mind, “No matter what ever happens I am  going to win, if my failure is good, still I am the best.”Bookmark this think in your mind , whenever you feel low, whenever you feel to quit , whenever life gives you lemons, just turn back the pages and go to this bookmark and say it loud to yourself in the mind.Dont be shy, wear your failures as a badge of honour.This will not ease your problem you are facing , but will definitely fill you with courage to face the situation with a smile on your face.After all nothing is as important as the beautiful smile you have.World is full of darkness, and this smile of yours act as a purpose of torch, it not only helps you to reach your destiny , but also helps others and shows them their path. And do you know that your smile is actually contagious? each time you smile at a person, their brain coaxes them to return the favor. You are creating a symbiotic relationship that allows both of you to release feel good chemicals in your brain, activate reward centers, make you both more attractive and increase the chances of you both living longer, healthier lives.Living a life that is full of regrets is not a life at all.So just be happy , take your life like a roller coaster, which will face ups and downs, treat your past memories as a teacher and a good friend, recall them when you need help or guidance, think of them only in a positive way.Never go to the negative side of your brain.Yeah you heard right negative side, actually you can assume that good memories are stored in a bank account in a bank A, where as bad memories are stored in another account in a different bank B.And most of time we withdraw experience  by recalling the memories from bank B.Which is bad in a one sense or the other.Though you get more interest from bank B,that is you think about them most of the times just don’t take it out, untill you are old and have achieved your ultimate goal.Use the memories you have in bank B, only to guide others and to help them in case they turn to you for advice.Remember Success comes from experiences and experiences come from bad experiences, and every bad experience is linked with a bad memory which you faced in the past.Create memories ,don’t think of them in a bad sense,and  it’s life right,some days will be best while some will be just ok.No one have all the good memories ,face this reality and jot it down if you want .You might have heard about the famous line from the movie Kung Fu panda , “The past is history, The future is  a mystery,Today  is a gift , that’s why they call it the present.”.So what are you waiting for, my friend just go out and Carpe Diem(seize the day) , and look how the world is waiting for your trueself.Just don’t get struck in the time loop of your past,how bad it may appear to you.It’s only on you to try and win the battle between you and your subconscious mind ,if you only will leave it then no one can save you from drowning in the sea of regretfulness.Use your past only for getting directions in hard times, and for recalling the memories that you lived happily forever. As it is rightly said that the best teacher of your future is your past.Either it can make you or break you ,so the choice is yours.

Oh past just go away,
And don’t ever wish to stay,
You made me cry , whenever we play,
Filled me with regrets, in all my way
Held my hand whenever I wish to be great
Past recites,
With  a touch of delight
Hey dear , you have no clue
I m here for you,
For making you,
Instead of breaking you,
Have faith in mine
I want the best from you, to make you shine
Just wait for the moment when it’s right
To make you strong for the upcoming fight
And to show the world your true bright
Just think of me as your friend
And not merely as your unfortunate end.

Saturday, 2 September 2017

What goes and never comes back..

The world never seems to be ending ,it always goes on and on , round and round, and life with all the ups and down, at one moment it is filled with all the excitement and surprises , making it jolly good but at the other it is dull and depressing. And theses twists and turns are important as they not  only provide thrill but make it an adventurous roller coaster ride.Imagine a world with all the people happy and with all the leisure ,will it make our world a better place to live in ? Answer is   obviously no as if we get all that we deserve , and there is nothing to fight for, then what will be the soul purpose of our living, .Actually the real pleasure we do get by travelling down the road, which ultimately lead to our destination, it's the journey which we count on , and not the destination , we should be less worried about the  success or failure, because our supreme goal to lead a happy life irrespective of the amount of money you have in your pocket.Remember a rich man can lead a sad life , irrespective of having all the leisure , whereas a poor can still be happy , leading a simple life without any tension. It's true with money comes the desire to earn more, to get more of it , and with that our lives becomes a bit more complicated.Complicated in the sense that , greediness grows along with it, and it continuously tends to increase as long as our desires for richness grows on.When we were small ,we acted in our own childish play .Life was not as much complicated as it is now,we used to play , sleep and study that’s all. We were not even touched by the evilness, we were surrounded with.As we grew , our brain developed , we got more educated, became more experienced and practical,but god knows somehow things became more complicated, life was not a fairy tale as we supposed to be when we were young .Instead of earning for a living, we started living for an earning.We became more of a machine ,working in shifts from 10 to 5 ,sitting infront of our computers, even doing overtime to get an extra cream apart from the milk.Even the social circle we use to have before, is now diminished to a point circle.Do we now even care to know who our neighbours are, to get to know them.Even our own life now is not as simple as we used to have.When was the last time you sat under the sky, gazing the stars and admiring its beauty with your loved ones?Do you ever get enough time to spend with your own family, your parents, spouse  and your children?Have you ever asked them what do they  really want from your side?.Yeah , money is important for the security and for earning a decent livelihood.But my question is what is the limit , after which we have to stop?We all start working from a very young age , and work till our late 60s,when  will we get time for ourselves?Most of our time has already passed , and then we retire peacefully, then ultimately wait for the death to arrive at our doorsteps and to take us away with it, leaving behind our body which had been torn out and tempered  from the stress and pains we endured throughout our life.So will you be happy even after that, have you achieved the eternal and internal happiness , you wanted all you life?.Your pursuit of happiness started with money but never ended completely right .Don't you ever want to live a life, a life full of adventures,to be unheeded,happy,near to the wild heart of life,to be young and wilful, to swim the wild sea,breathe the wild air,enjoy the sunshine, and sunsets, dreaming of a far better tomorrow , than today.Just think of it ,when someday you will get some free time from your hectic schedule.When our days in this world will be going to end, and the last recap you will  see, what do you want to see in that, it will showcase all your memories from the childhood till your death bed,your life will flash before your eyes for 7 minutes in a chronological order, will you cherish those memories, or will that make you guilty about not living a happy life, because you are the master of your own life, captain of your own soul, only you can change your  way of life, i repeat only you,and the moment you even want to change it, your time will be over,and nothing will be left in your hands, except the dead wistful past. So are you ready for this?
Time flees, it never waits,
only remains the memories ,
memories in which you and i lived,
 we came from dust and then will return again,
All  my life I was living in a lie
And the saddest part for which I always cried,

Never got to know about my true self,before I died…..

Wednesday, 26 July 2017

Summer Rain !!

In the evening of  summer,
My moods  flutter again and again,
As the drops and dust unite,
And the overwhelming sky is filled with petrichor,
Bucolic to my land ,
These rain are elixir from heaven,
For the healing of nature as it spreads upon.
Though it ephemeral and evanescent,
But it makes me halcyon,
Making me lilt with a seam of glow,
With the tinnabulation of umbrella,upon which it showers.

In the evening of summer,
I wish to ride the gossamer rainbow,
Made by god’s own hand,
That  imbricates from cloud to cloud,
It’s a leisure for me to watch this rain,
As it lilts lissomely,
The Scintilla of lightning that occurs in the heart of clouds,
But increases my pulse,
Every time it’s heard.
It’s a talisman for our mother earth,
The more it rained, the  greener it became,
And leaves a summery weather after it treads.
In the evening of summer,
Nature plays with me,
And dampen  me as well as my heart
With the plethora of memories ,
It brings from the wistful past.
Though these summer are not long resilient,
With the days filled with these rain,
So I want to bid adieu you,
And wish these clouds to visit next summer,

And make me wet again.

Tuesday, 25 July 2017

Nature Divine!

Often in the summers and winters too,
I walk alone through the forest and aside rivers too,
Nature calls in her voice,
In the chirping of birds, 'Ku koo ku'
And the sounds of dashing water,
against the deltas blue. 

The soil,the land and the humming sky,
All are supreme in the part, it lies,
The crimson roses,the black mammoth wants the light,
The light which comes from far so high,
The trees that covers the earth,
with a green velvet much,
Often the lovely, nature's softy touch,

It gives our mother,a heavenly bliss,
The more it shows with a natural kiss,
The meeting of heaven and earth is far beyond,
And this is a shortcut of way along.

The physical and spiritual connection between the beasts and nature,
holds in them the so called love,
Here is the day and here is the night,
The light which comes from the ball of white and bright.

Thou we come and go being mortal,
The spirit of nature remains alive,
The beauty it endows upon the thrust by him,
will remain here again and again.
This duty is ours,to protect it from devastating,
and to help it's cover
from the world never ending.

So here is my call for nature upon,
your life never ends , it always go on,
The more you lit , the more you shine,
with the blessing nature,
on the Earth, our mother divine.